
Lizma Iloilo

Workflow Officer

Talofa lava and welcome,

My name is Lizma Ramona Iloilo and I am 21 years of age.

I am from the villages of Lalovaea, Samatau, Salailua Savaii and Lotofaga. I graduated with the degree of  Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Management and minoring in Computing, from the National University of Samoa.

I come from a family of 4 which I love to cook and sing with them as our leisure time and as a family bonding thing. My religion is Seventh Day Adventist Church.

I am an Administrative Officer in WE Accounting Limited. My goals as I go along is to be able to develop new knowledge and skills.

The reason why I chose WE is because of its people and for me to expand my knowledge that I have learned from school.
