WE are Pacific and Māori Accountants and business advisors!
Māori and Pacific peoples play a big role in economies worldwide. Yet, there are still unfairness in our social, economic, and political systems, holding back their aspirations.
WE are determined to change the statistics and believe the path to prosperity for Māori and Pacific peoples in business requires increased financial literacy and digital transformation to stay ahead of the game.
WE are an accounting and business advisory company focused on providing qualitative accounting and business services to businesses.
Our team are Pacific and Māori Accountants, tax experts, and Business Advisors. We proudly bring our culture to work because culture belongs in business.
Dedicated to our community, we collaborate with various organizations in Pacific, Māori, and Indigenous networks. This keeps us informed about the concerns of our people across Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific Islands.
WE apply our specialized knowledge through our team of professionals who are committed to delivering value to each of our customers.
Why WE?
- WE know and understand diversity, Māori and Pacific Culture and Values
- WE are a Chartered Accounting firm, bound by the NZICA code of ethics
- WE offer a solution for all of your accounting needs
- WE are pro-active in helping your business grow.
- Your spend your time on your core business while WE take care of your accounting needs
- WE are Pacific and Māori Accountants, Business advisors and tax specialists
Māori and Pacific helping Māori and Pacific!
To find out more contact us today