Eli and Wyndi Tagi - Auckland Accountants
Who are WE?
Parents of 5 very boisterous boys, Grandparents to 2 girls, Eli and Wyndi Tagi are the founders of WE Mana, previously WE Accounting.
With already extremely busy lives, one would wonder why they decided to start their own business. For Eli and Wyndi it was quite simple... as well as wanting to provide a company that offers a full suite of business services to help businesses grow and succeed, they wanted to leave a legacy for their boys and show them that hard work and determination pays off. They also liked the idea that they could work their business around the needs of their children.
In the beginning, Eli was not so keen on delving into self-employment, preferring the comforts of the fortnightly pay check, it took a little bit of convincing from Wyndi before he decided it was an option to consider.
Eli, being very analytical did vast amounts of homework – due diligence, budgets, and forecasts before agreeing to start their own accounting business. Eli had spent 9 years studying and had recently qualified as a Chartered Accountant so it seemed a waste not to use his talents to their benefit as well as to the benefit of other business owners.
Once the decision was made Eli started looking into buying a franchise company, as Eli and Wyndi would be starting from scratch with their one and only client being Wyndi’s father, Eli explored the idea of using an already establish company to help kick their business off the ground. Wyndi however was not so keen on the idea.
Wyndi asked Eli to ‘look at the numbers’ to see if they could build their business on their own, wanting the flexibility to run their business how they wanted to and not within the confines of a franchise agreement. Eli worked on projections and started a business plan, and finally came to an answer – YES, it was do-able, so WE Accounting & Business Services was born!
WE are now 11 years on and they couldn’t be happier about the decision they made! Eli attributes their success so far to their passion for helping others succeed, to their on going planning and goal setting, to the long hours they’ve put into their business and also the blessing of their son who arrived 7 months after starting the business. Although to many a new born baby so soon after the inception of a new business would leave them freaking out, to Eli and Wyndi it meant another reason to work harder! And that they did! Wyndi left her full time job at the bank and focused solely on growing their business. Between them they have organised and juggled the kids, their schooling and their sports.
Now, you would think that Eli and Wyndi would stop there right? Wrong! As you can now see, WE Accounting & Business Services is now WE Mana, with 3 businesses and 1 Charitable trust under it. Their business growth exploded; now having 15 team members in Aotearoa, expanding across Auckland and Wellington and 16 team members in Samoa with plans in place to expand further into the Pacific.
The opportunities are endless when it comes to fulfilling the purpose and vision of WE, we hope to be able to business with you too!